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Arch Hellen Med, 32(3), May-June 2015, 302-307


Scaphoid fractures: An approach for primary health care physicians

V. Karadima
"Thriassio" General Hospital, Elefsina, Greece

Fractures of the scaphoid bone present relatively frequently in the primary health care (PHC) setting. The diagnosis is not always obvious, and delay worsens the prognosis. Scaphoid fractures constitute 2–7% of all recorded fractures in humans, but the true incidence is estimated to be greater because of misdiagnosis. The majority of patients are young men. The diagnosis is usually confirmed by radiography, and only in a few cases advanced imaging procedures are needed. Treatment may be conservative or surgical, depending on the type of fracture. A cast should be applied even on suspicion of fracture, as many fractures are occult on the preliminary X-rays. Patients with early immobilization have an excellent prognosis. Late diagnosis of scaphoid fracture is an important cause of dysfunction of the wrist joint, and therefore fractures should be identified and treated without delay.

Key words: Complications, Epidemiology, Fracture, Scaphoid bone.

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